Coverage Of Homicide - Deathcore Cianjur

Formed in September 2010, for the first time we know music who provides satisfaction from freedom to say anything in our music and be free of corporate censorship, also riffs of power chord,scream and speed of knock make us more ambitious to ensoul this music. With five personals use the power chord of metal technicality combined with technical riffs and grind speed to produce creation who maximum and satisfy. The material tells about resistance, life, recognition, murder, the struggle for human rights, or from our experience. We believe that this music is not based on the astray, and will never to mix between music and religion. We deem this music is hobbies and challenge also get freedom to vent fatigue in our mind.

First formed consist four personals only use one guitar, meet each other in senior high school and through mutual friends. We walked for a year, a period long enough make us train our skill till our compactness more grow. A year has passed, we found a guitarist who can equal our skill, then he join to equip our squad, and for now, the band consist five personals. We hope our creation acceptable by people and can mutual respect fellow metal lovers. Thanks to all who have supported us.

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