"My Desired", Single Terbaru dari Breathe In Noises

Kuartet Post Hardcore asal Cianjur, Breathe In Noises, kembali memperkenalkan karya terbarunya lewat single yang dikemas dalam format video streaming berjudul "My Desired", melalui kanal youtube bernama Breathe In Noises, tanggal 12 juni lalu, single "My Desired" merupakan single ke enam yang telah mereka rilis dan diunggah di internet agar dapat dengan mudah dikonsumsi oleh penikmat musik yang mereka mainkan di Cianjur dan dari manapun.

Band yang beranggotakan Jemy ( Vokal ), Decay ( Gitar ), Ferry ( Bass & Vokal ) dan Rian ( Drum )  telah memiliki penggemar yang cukup banyak di Cianjur dengan sebutan Brin's Family.

Single "My Desired" merupakan lagu berbahasa Inggris ketiga Breathe In Noises dengan lirik yang ditulis oleh Ferry pemain Bass, Sebelumnya "No More Sorry" dan "Silent Fault" terlebih dahulu rilis melalui akun reverbnation mereka tahun lalu.

Baca juga : Breathe In Noises Meluncurkan Single Terbaru "No More Sorry" 

Berikut lirik dari "My Desired"


To break treath point
and to wish a waiting for

as i know we're never forget, for this time a day enoght to revenge the faith
worst life was i care to reverse that a pain there's not to see , were is not to free was i

will never stoping here, we will never fighting for, i can't fear right whose i so i guest i realized
right there inside, tell i said to cared, for feels thats cooling mark way
burn back my feels be good

u'll saving me there i take anymore a while well fight for us ( says sured i get it on our side and more last time) 
worring deep inside enought for story in those'nt matter (how for we're reasson share it for done)
last time we matter has done

in everyday, i never felt enought
i cant desired, alonely deep inside
a short line, will be dissappointed
i could standing in lonely thing

let's to remake, maybe this time we'll make
it better thing, you used to be my side
sometimes we need, together be the one
our story will never be destroyed

only thing i had in mine, it just how to take for the certain in you
how ever i guess different but i thing , i cant if i have'nt u
was i said could
and walked aways

i and tell me that i no need be woried you than tell me where i can find you on some a day
or never gona be walked something new
(just lake got something new)
whenever i wanna hold and lead you
for wacthing in anything to raise me up
just stay and be mine beside in here

watch out like or not, well everything side our hoping in
walked away with my story line

has i said i seeing us